Why good Customer Service is so important to us!
Here at Enviroleak, maintaining Good Customer Service is very important to us and to how we like to conduct our business. Like many companies we aim to give the best service we can and always aspire to giving positive customer satisfaction. As the first port of call for families, homeowners, businesses, and managers who are concerned or distressed about a possible leak, Customer Service takes a unique focus for us. Swift and professional action is what is needed following the initial conversation and ongoing expert friendly service continues as we deal with the issues.
At Enviroleak, good customer service means meeting and exceeding the expectations of our clients. An immediate response is really important to us. Your call really is important to us, and so, Enviroleak provide a 24-hour cover for reporting a potential spill or oil leak. Our Nationwide Emergency Response team are primed and ready to wing their way to the site. The work is time sensitive and we have honed this aspect of our service over the years to make life easier on both the client and also on our technical team. Time is of the essence when dealing with a spill.
Great customer service is quick, easy, personalised, and empathetic. At Enviroleak, we appreciate that an oil leak at your home or business is alarming and upsetting and we are always ready to listen to your concerns, both immediate and ongoing. Our experienced technical team can answer any questions you may have and outline the plan for dealing with the spill. Over the remediation and clean up period, we pride ourselves at working closely with our clients and building a good relationship with them so that insurance matters, reinstatement of the oil tank, heating system and the cleanup itself are conducted in an inclusive manner and with the best interest of the customer to the fore. At all times we work to maintain Professionalism, Courtesy and Good Communications. Good Customer Service means treating our clients as we would like to be treated and to be honest, that comes easily to us. We welcome and encourage clients’ testimonials and reviews.
A testimonial means so much to us. It’s the feedback that helps us to reassess our own work practices and make any necessary improvements or changes, should we need to. The testimonials from previous clients also reassure potential new customers as to how our professional team works and what they may expect during the process of dealing with an oil leak.
You can read our testimonials from satisfied past clients here >
While most companies assert that the main reason in promoting good customer service is to secure repeat business, we can assure you that this is not our main focus at Enviroleak! We work together through a difficult episode in our clients’ lives, and although we remain friends, it is hoped that they will never have to call us professionally again. Of course they are always welcome to pick up the phone for advice and a friendly and we are grateful for the many word of mouth recommendations that we receive from past customers.

Good Customer Service is an active, constantly evolving part of our business ethos. We hope we do the very best we can for all our customers, partners and clients and you can be assured that we will always take care of you to the best of our ability.