Health & Safety Policy

As a responsible company we believe that leading environmental, health and safety performance contributes to our competitive strength and benefits our customers and employees as well as the environment.
To protect our employees, the environment and our clients we are committed to:
- Providing a safe and healthy working environment as a prerequisite to our operations
- Continuous improvement in minimizing our environmental impacts, preventing pollution and limiting depletion of natural resources
- The on-going reduction of risks at our operating sites
We will comply with applicable environmental, health and safety laws, directives, regulations and other requirements as a baseline for doing business, not as a goal. We believe compliance is owned by all employees, and will monitor such compliance, through ongoing workplace assessment of our operations, take corrective actions as warranted and include compliance sustainability as a routine part of operations.
We will continually identify those aspects of our operations which have the most significant environmental, health and safety impact and where required update our process and procedure.
In addition to compliance with statutory requirements we will seek, proactively, to prevent ill health, injury, damage, and loss arising from our operations and activities.
Our recognition and acceptance of these responsibilities will be demonstrated by our commitment to:
- Provide and maintain plant, equipment and systems of work that are safe and without risk to health
- Undertake risk assessments of all appropriate activities, and to specify and implement resultant control measures to reduce or eliminate risks
- Provide a safe working environment and safe system of work through design, on site operations
- Take all reasonably practicable steps to avoid injury or damage to property which might occur as a result of our activities
- Provide sufficient supervision, information, instruction, and training to ensure the health and safety of employees and others who may be affected by our activities
- Assign responsibility to appropriate personnel, to monitor compliance to this policy and associated procedures and take action in default of such compliance
- On-site personnel who are responsible for directing the work of others are responsible for the health and safety of all individuals under their direction and the work areas under their charge
- Regularly review and report on our occupational health and safety performance, implementing any corrective actions in respect of underperformance promptly
- Ensure suitable arrangements are in place for handling, storage, and transportation of substances
- Provide necessary and adequate resources to ensure the full implementation of this policy
We are committed to avoiding any injuries as a result of our activities.
All employee’s, consultants, advisers, contractors, other persons, working for, with us, are required, to adopt, a proactive, co-operative attitude towards health and safety, to co-operate in our occupational health and safety aims and seeks to promote teamwork and safe working together.
We require our employees to make sound environmental, health and safety management an integral part of their job. Management will demonstrate environmental, health and safety leadership and help build a culture across the company where all employees embrace this policy and these guiding principles as their responsibility.
Our policies are regularly reviewed, at least annually, updated as required to consider changes in legislation, new procedures.
Gerald Kilbride and Ciaran Kilbride
Enviroleak Directors
Date: February 2024