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Enviroleak specialises in the cleanup of home heating oil leaks.

Enviroleak has a fully trained and qualified team of engineers who can resolve any oil leak from excavating soil in the garden to replacing the subsoil and foundations under your home we can provide total solutions from start to finish.

In certain limited circumstances bioremediation can even be an option to treat the leak or to ensure full clean up afterwards.  Whether it's an oil leak in the garden or an oil leak under your house we can help.

Leak assessment and Clean-up

Leak assessment and Clean-up is a highly technical and time sensitive process. 

The impact from leaks often increases over time as the leaked product moves through the soils and/or groundwater, therefore the sooner it’s addressed, the less impact caused and the cheaper the process.

Enviroleaks site assessment and clean-up services are used by insurers, loss adjuster and construction sites across Ireland.

Our services include:

Environmental Survey

In-depth environmental survey of leak impact with risk identification

Project Management

Complete project management from leak assessment to site re-instatement


Remediation of contaminated soils, waters and structures

Bespoke reporting and validation

We provide all the technical information necessary to demonstrate that all risks from the leak have been dealt with during our works.

Our Process


Emergency call recieved

Enviroleak answer phone personally 24/7. Enviroleak organise emergency call out immediately


Site Visit/ Initial Investigation

Enviroleak team go to site and assess damage. Emergency work to minimise damage, leakage and maintain heating. Loss Assessor contacted to represent customer in claims process


Claims Process Commences

Insurance company contacted by loss assessor. Loss adjustor appointed by insurance company to assess damage and claim. Loss adjustor and loss assessor organises site visit.


Scientific Site Investigation

Enviroleak sends Environmental Scientist to site to assess scale of damage. Enviroleak work with customer to find best solution Final scope of work defined and quote submitted. Insurance company agrees settlement figure


Site Remediation

Site team onsite Oil damaged material treated or removed and disposed of in a licensed facility Site returned to original or better condition

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