Our Process
Emergency call recievedEnviroleak answer phone personally 24/7. Enviroleak organise emergency call out immediately
Site Visit/ Initial InvestigationEnviroleak team go to site and assess damage. Emergency work to minimise damage, leakage and maintain heating. Loss Assessor contacted to represent customer in claims process
Claims Process CommencesInsurance company contacted by loss assessor. Loss adjustor appointed by insurance company to assess damage and claim. Loss adjustor and loss assessor organises site visit.
Scientific Site InvestigationEnviroleak sends Environmental Scientist to site to assess scale of damage. Enviroleak work with customer to find best solution Final scope of work defined and quote submitted. Insurance company agrees settlement figure
Site RemediationSite team onsite Oil damaged material treated or removed and disposed of in a licensed facility Site returned to original or better condition
Process Roles and Responsibilities

- Emergency call out. We will answer the phone 24/7 and can have engineers on the road within minutes to do an initial evaluation
- We can carry out emergency works to stop the leak, preventing further contamination and ensuring that the home still has heating
- Our engineer will assess the situation while on site. If it can’t be fixed immediately, we can put you in contact with a Loss assessor, that can advise the next steps to take
- If required, we can send out an environmental scientist to site, once agreed, to do full scientific investigation on the extent damage
- We can remediate the site, as required - remove or treat oil damaged material and restore site to original or better condition, working with the customer
- We will work with all the other parties in the process to agree the optimal solution
Loss Assessor

Loss assessors are appointed by policy holders to manage a claim on their behalf. A qualified loss assessor will handle every aspect of the claims process. Dealing with insurance companies representatives, or their appointed loss adjustors in order to negotiate the best claim settlement for the client. Ideally, you should appoint a loss assessor as soon as you know you have an issue, once you have verified through initial site visit that you have an oil leak. Enviroleak can guide you on this process
Insurance Company

Insurance company is responsible for handling a claim, should there be one. If there is one, they may appoint a Loss Adjustor to evaluate if there’s a claim, extent of claim, cost of claim, and that the cause of the claim is covered by their insurance policy. The Insurance company will agree the final claim value and pay that to their client – the claimant. Insurance companies generally want to resolve the claim as quickly as possible for their clients
Loss Adjustor

Oil leak claims can have a high degree of damage or cost. So generally an Insurance company appoints a Loss Adjustor to investigate the case. A loss adjustor is a claims specialist appointed and paid for by the insurance company to investigate a complex claim. They are responsible for establishing the cause of the claim and it if is covered by your insurance policy. They will visit the site in order to gather evidence and assess damage. They will present the insurance company with a report, recommending appropriate payment based on their perceived validity of the claim. They will negotiate with a loss assessor to agree final claim.