Enviroleak Awards
2022 Awards
2021 Awards
Enviroleak wins EU Business News, Irish Enterprise Award 2021
We are delighted and proud to be among the winners of an EU Business News Award for the Best commercial Oil Clean up Specialists of 2021
This is the fourth consecutive year of the Irish Enterprise Awards which showcase and celebrate Ireland’s world class pioneering enterprises. It celebrates small, medium, and large businesses who have blossomed and thrived and recognizes the talent of promising start-ups and innovative businesses.
Speaking about the winners, Awards Coordinator Katherine Benton commented:
“Congratulations to all the winners of the Irish Enterprise Awards. It is with great pride and joy that we showcase the best of the best from across the entirety of Ireland. Now in its fourth year of showcasing exemplary Irish business, this awards programme has continued to highlight and recognise the enterprises that are thriving across the entirety of Ireland. Whilst it is an understatement to say that the last year has been a challenging one, the COVID-19 pandemic has also been a catalyst for immense change. There have been times of uncertainty which has forced a colossal transformation of global business; however, many Irish enterprises and businesses have achieved great things despite the obstacles facing them. Ultimately, every success – whether a minor victory or major achievement – should be celebrated as an extraordinary accomplishment given these unprecedented times.”
Obviously, we were delighted to be nominated and thrilled to be awarded this accolade. All of the participants in the Irish Enterprise Awards were judged purely on merit. The EU Business News team gathered information independently from a variety of publicly accessible sources which were subsequently examined and verified alongside any material supplied by a nominating party or by the nominee themselves. Final judgement was cast based on various criteria such as the business performance, longevity of the business, year on year growth and any significant innovations achieved or relevant feedback.
It is gratifying to be rewarded for hard work and dedication and the Enviroleak team took a moment or two to revel in the achievement, before getting our collective shoulders back to the proverbial grindstone. It may sound cheesy, but the real award for us is a job well done and a satisfied client. On any day that we receive an award, there are still domestic and industrial accidental oils spills to be tackled. We are as always, available 24/7 to assist with the difficult moment when you discover an oil leak. At such times, the skilled technical team get their boots on and guarantee assistance to reduce the effects of the spill. Boots, that despite our recent achievement, we are never too big to fill.